“The Connection” Or “Just a Coincidence”?

I think that when you have a connection with someone, it never really goes away.

Now I’m not really sure about telepathy, but a sliver of me wants to believe that some connection does exist.

Some things are too strange and too strong to be coincidences, you know?

Not everything can be explained on the basis of technicalities. But that does, in no way imply that such things don’t exist.

A coincidence is something that happens once in a while. Or maybe twice, if you must.

But if something happens all the time, it’s not a coincidence.

On some deep rooted level, people feel connected to the people they really care about, and such are the connections that never swerve.

They transcend time and distance. And I know you cannot see that connection, so a lot of people dismiss the whole idea of it being there in the first place.

Well, you cannot see the wind either, but you do know it exists, don’t you?

Maybe some things are not meant to be seen, only felt.

Ever given that a thought?

When you have a connection with someone, it never really goes away. You might have been separated for a long time or maybe even longer, but when you talk to them, years later, you just snap back to being the way you were.

Even years later, you say the exact same things at the exact same time. You think about them, exactly when they’re thinking about you.

And when it’s all over, you realize it was never random.

Cause some things, you cannot see.

Cause some things, you only feel.



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