Call them. There’s always a way to be good again.


I know you’ve hurt people.
Perhaps a lot of them.
Maybe even the ones who cared for you, who waited for you.

You hurt people who loved you.
They gave you a second chance and you blew it.
You did that, didn’t you?
I know you’re nodding your head.

But don’t worry.
There’s a way to be good again.

If you think you’ve lost them, start looking for them.
Try making amends.
Call them.
Listen to their voice.
Maybe even their silence.

Remind yourself that there was a time when they mattered.
You need to get them back.
Tell them you need them.
Don’t assume that they know.
Cause even if they do, sometimes people need to hear it.

You say it’s hard.
It’s hard to make amends.
But it was harder for them when you hurt them.
Just remember that.

Do what it takes, god damn it.

Please don’t let them slip away.
Save them the pain.
Call them.
There’s always a way to be good again.

“The Connection” Or “Just a Coincidence”?

I think that when you have a connection with someone, it never really goes away.

Now I’m not really sure about telepathy, but a sliver of me wants to believe that some connection does exist.

Some things are too strange and too strong to be coincidences, you know?

Not everything can be explained on the basis of technicalities. But that does, in no way imply that such things don’t exist.

A coincidence is something that happens once in a while. Or maybe twice, if you must.

But if something happens all the time, it’s not a coincidence.

On some deep rooted level, people feel connected to the people they really care about, and such are the connections that never swerve.

They transcend time and distance. And I know you cannot see that connection, so a lot of people dismiss the whole idea of it being there in the first place.

Well, you cannot see the wind either, but you do know it exists, don’t you?

Maybe some things are not meant to be seen, only felt.

Ever given that a thought?

When you have a connection with someone, it never really goes away. You might have been separated for a long time or maybe even longer, but when you talk to them, years later, you just snap back to being the way you were.

Even years later, you say the exact same things at the exact same time. You think about them, exactly when they’re thinking about you.

And when it’s all over, you realize it was never random.

Cause some things, you cannot see.

Cause some things, you only feel.



You do not kiss him back

He’ll think that you didn’t move on
He’ll think you’re still there
That you’re still waiting for him
To come back
That you somehow still care.

And it’s gonna hurt you to tell him
That he doesn’t mean what he used to
Sometimes you don’t wanna let people go
But time just makes you.

So you gather all the Courage you got
And you decide to let it out
You know you have to make it right
You cannot escape that doubt.

You meet him at the coffee house
He says he wants you back
How you wish he had said that before
Then you would not be having this chat

So you look into his eyes again
You know they don’t want you back
He asks you if you still love him
And you do not kiss him back.

Sometimes Goodbye is the only way!



Sometimes goodbye is the only way to make things right. Sometimes we hurt people, we all do that. and well the other times we make things worse for people we care so much about. That’s why people leave, you know? Nobody wants to hurt the people they care about and if letting them go is one way they could do that, why wouldn’t they? If your staying makes things worse for them, why would you wanna ever let that happen? you won’t. Yes, it’s gonna hurt but sometimes you need to do what’s best for people you care about, no matter how much that hurts you. When you really care about someone, you want them to stay, but sometimes just sometimes showing how much you really care means letting them go :’)